Now more than ever democracy is the answer.

Let’s build a movement to strengthen our local democracies.

A united New Jersey working class is how we win the things all workers deserve.

Let’s expand the vote to our youth (16 & 17 year olds) and noncitizens for local and school board elections!

1 in 5 residents don’t have a voice in their local community. Let’s change that

From combatting racist environmental, housing, and labor policy, to harmful rhetoric at the top from our “leaders”, youth and noncitizen voting expansion seeks to deepen our democracy in New Jersey’s international working class cities and towns.

Let’s win the right to vote in local and school board elections for 16 and 17 year olds whose future is at stake, and our noncitizen neighbors with most to lose from an undemocratic federal system.

Racist rhetoric from top to bottom, from Republicans and Democrats, has to end.

Rather than lie in fear, We are building a bulwark at the local level, to take on 2025 and unite our neighbors.

Key Facts:

Our noncitizen neighbors and youth pay taxes

They have children in and attend public schools

From 1776 to 1926, non-citizens in as many as forty states exercised their right to vote.

Today, dozens of cities have noncitizen voting, from Maryland to Massachusetts, San Francisco, and D.C.

Our cities

Have working class priorities, like housing, healthcare, and education, regardless of citizenship.

The key to winning these things is together, with a united working class.

Not one broken apart by legal status.

We have record-low voter participation in some of our biggest cities.

Let’s deepen our democracy now, as so much is at stake…

Let’s organize for power.

Get Involved

We’re knocking doors, making calls, and connecting neighbors through events to win the democracy we deserve.

Here’s where we’re launching ballot initiatives to enfranchise noncitizens and 16-17 year olds.

Maybe your town could be next?

Register and join an event to get involved!